Become an Assessor with INAB

World Accreditation Day June 9 2017

INAB hold INAB Client Forum to celebrate World Accreditation Day.

On 6th June, in the glorious setting of Dublin Castle, INAB welcomed over 120 clients to our Client Forum.

The agenda for the day included an opening address from the INAB Manager, Dr Adrienne Duff, which was followed by a comprehensive presentation on the role of the INAB Board, from the Chairperson Ms Ita Kinahan, State Chemist.
Dr Duff outlined the importance of World Accreditation Day and announced our efforts to promote the day, by holding this event, and our campaign to support the CABs working in construction and the built environment.

A series of presentations outlining the changes in INAB structure, processes, our new IT system and updates on standards and INAB/ European requirements, feedback mechanisms and the EA Peer Evaluation were heard during the information day.
To support clients with the recently launched new IT system, a helpdesk was provided on the day where IT staff and the INAB core team were on hand to assist with any queries and support.

Questions were welcomed on the day and overall it was a very positive day, with good feedback from attendees.
Presentations have been circulated directly to all attendees and to all unable to attend.

For further information on WAD on our website

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